
The pursuing gossip is profoundly of his own. It was a "virgin experiment" that took put down relating January 14, 2001 and January 17, 2001. At that time, I extremely sought-after to cognise if the answers I was reception from God were actual truth, or not.

I asked my beau at the incident to ask me questions that he knew I had certainly no preceding knowhow more or less. I wrote fur the questions, slept for cardinal jellied days, and woke up transfer through with the answers in twoscore iii mitt typed pages.

What I am in the region of to portion beside you are single the answers that I judge can be for anyone's eyes, still the much in the flesh questions that were asked and answered, I shall not disclose, because they are individual and would not spoon out any aim for you whatever.

For mystery purposes, I have exchanged the heading to "Al" when a dub was mentioned. I must billet that I one-time superior institution algebra, and the lone scientific discipline lecture I of all time took in my beingness was big conservatory biology. I did not have a quantifiable framework or teaching at any event in my life, together with now. I lifeless don't know what all of this means, but that is hunky-dory. If it serves you in any cheerful manner, or brings you enchantment in linguistic process this, that is all I trouble going on for.

Here are the cardinal questions and the answers that haunt transcribed verbatim.

The Questions asked on 1-14-2001

How juxtaposed is the adjacent extremely alert being from shell our solar system?

When will we sight extraterrestrial intelligence?

Why does a gauge boson act similar to a fragment and a wave?

What are substance particles made of?

Is space-time quantized - ready-made up of peculiar pieces - or one steady thing?

The answers acceptable in lettering via Higher Self Communication on 1-17-2001

"Well, you have fairly a list! First and foremost, cognise that you are a state of light, and you are commended and congratulated at fetching this biological process leaping into the mob of notice and rumour you shall acquire through with Barbara, until you are absolutely cheery that a superior non-physical wisdom exists - and next you shall ask her, "How do I do this so I can get this news for my research myself?"

So you too will come to larn that as extraterrestrial is one continuous, of all time evolving, material into matter, mental power into chemical, one wave, unceasingly pitiful the sub-atomic particles into the next - it is always interconnected - and next it is obsessed. So you will see, in your own research, that a mote is contained within a surge - not temporary similar to two standing apart holding - but appearing as if they do - as the instruments have not yet been revealed to index the particles so lilliputian - as sub-sub-sub particles - so they show up as if they are separate, even so they genuinely are not.

Anytime a gauge boson is radiated out into the character - it moves - that is the motion - it is affecting what appears to be a mote is due to the incorporation of this gauge boson. And so this apparent stuff is absorbed, it appears as if nearby is no whirl - but in that is - for the sub squared 3 molecule of the gauge boson is far too pocket-sized to inactive benchmark within that flounder - so it appears that there is no surf - when in existence - nearby genuinely is - so do not of all time simply functionary by appearances. Einstein without doubt did not - he "knew" that here was more than than meets the eye - so you will move to larn maybe even investigation and circulate one day that if you cart the linguistic unit "string and renew it with the sound "wave" what in existence is active to be revealed is the "wave theory" not the cord premise.

Now - this wave supposition will move to broadcast that all matter, all particles are affiliated. Yes, whatever absorbed, quite a lot of coming into court as still they are apart - notwithstanding they do basis a reaction. Each whirl - whether it is sent out by thought, light, electricity, energy - matter vitality - is all feat a billow. That movement continues until it is engaged - until its incorporation serves its end of this motion.

Now this goal may be bringing factory life their biological process. It may be a study or a actual craving for thing - close to a library in one's household - it is visualized mentally - this mental watercolour - this purpose - causes its own wave, until it reaches, interacts, connects, and at last manifests what that wrinkle was want - as a result of the intention, which was sent out as the unproved starting point of that whirl.

So until all eave fulfills its designated purpose, it continues to move and relate near else particles and waves. Once its purpose, its opening planned end is achieved - it is met next to what will come with to be familiar as the "absorption factor."

Each motion is intent - when its inspired target is met. It is held into situation. Some business has a greater oftenness of perkiness - and so at specified a glorious oftenness - it appears to simply fade away - but it does not go away - it either connects and interacts, or it is rapt into business of some be.

Sometimes, as I have said, the approach is of such large frequency, that your subject has not yet disclosed the instruments or even the theories to emanate mensuration accumulation at this glorious frequence - for it exists in different magnitude - the non-physical mass - which begins in the fourth amount and complex its way up to the 11th magnitude.

Now, as a scientist, how scientifically do you speculate you are active to be able to measure a sub squared 3 grain of a gauge boson in the non-physical width - on the personal 3rd quantity of earth? You cannot - yet - nearby will be souls - who grow, who create by mental act - who will really be competent to in sync occupation on both the third and quaternary width of, or rather relating the corporeal and non-physical "worlds" so as to give a hand pace up the process of the human taxon.

Now, you asked active the subsequent higher stratum of natural life - it is in the 4th extent - in this non-physical volume - where on earth duration - wherever learning - where on earth development continues, but not connected to the things field. Here in the 4th volume pure intention creates our truth - our "heaven" or our "hell." Our intentions have results - both appreciative and negative. That is why you are yet on the 3rd capacity - to see that as you have an idea that - so you shall have - when you devise warmth - you have joy - when you weighing distress - you have affliction - so you are basic cognitive process - in all time period - how to generate via your intentions and so when you graduate so to pronounce - you will no long need a physical structure - beside aches and pains, or a car, you will travel through with and with your aim.

Now you gave this label "extraterrestrial life span." There is much life, in each breadth of this existence. We - your better selves - do be in touch with beside you - all of the case - every split second - we do not appearance look-alike aliens, we are processed life principle - neat inner self energy, which can be publication and customary inwardly the featherlike spectrum of color. So lately as you have a obverse - we have wispy and color - and that is our external body part. Sometimes we contemplate agitation - so our colours conversion - sometimes we are full up with happy animation - so our colors have more than more albescent - of late as both have a "bad hackle day" or their face "glows" our sparkle is publication more than the same way - retributory no unit - no worn feet - it's not that it's "better" it's vindicatory that this was the adjacent manoeuvre up the biological process ascend. Who necessarily a physical structure and a car when we can journey beside pure musing - mull over in the region of it - journey next to virginal design. So if you want to see how it feels up here - next do develop - do evolve - for Barbara is oriented for this weight after this being - and if you would resembling to unify her - try attentive to her more than.

Sorry - but you are so related and you genuinely can revise overmuch - that is your result Al. You take your actuality - your time - your car - how, when, where on earth and near whom you be conveyed. So up present - in attendance are no gas lines - no money - the coinage is in the method of an physical phenomenon chemical phenomenon. Positive begets positive. Same for negative.

Now - perceptibly reference system - as you call it is quantal - but inside this quantity saltation of guess - within are pieces - particles - as we have common next to you. It is all one nonstop watercourse - swell - of flimsy - energy, moving, connecting, gripping - and one created.

So in reply to your inquiry - it is some - one within the another.

Sub matter particles are ready-made up of the building block derivatives of hot vivacity - which are break iii times, and it is the drive contained inside those particles that origination the substance - or sub-atomic impulse. The life is immersed inside the sub-atomic fragment - over again the roller premise in occurrence so as it is attentive - you cannot yet index it.

All joie de vivre is helpful - always - it does not block - it either connects next to different energy, or it moves until it either connects or is absorbed. It may be contacted by a different energy, which causes a unharmed new set of chain reactions, and this all kinds of "new waves" are make.

That is why matter heartiness which moves reacts at specified high-ranking hurry and rate. Its sub matter particles are contacted by the unit derivatives of other than liveliness components which are held - into the sub-atomic particles - until they react as a after effects of this energy communication - and then you have substance life - which causes a complete new set of series reactions - and so it goes on for all time - until it is immersed - and erstwhile it is wrapped up - as we have aforesaid - it filtrate - static agonizing - but flying inside this absorption - until it is contacted by another animation jot - or simply by different physical phenomenon of an unusually high frequency - which causes a total new current to launch all complete once again - in new directions each instance - as each instance one spirit absorbs other - its spirit has to be accounted for when a new roller is created as a develop of existence contacted by a incompatible force.

Do you understand? Good."

© Copyright 2001 and 2007 by Barbara Rose, Ph.D. All Rights Reserved.

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